Injured at work? 3 things you need to know

Sustaining an injury at work can be daunting. Not only are you suffering the physical or psychological impact of an injury, but there are also often worries around claiming workers compensation and ensuring you are supported whilst you recover.

Working with injured workers, we identify three key areas where questions often arise for our clients, particularly around what their rights are as an injured worker.  If you sustain an injury in the workplace, it is important to understand these three things: -

1. Reporting an Injury

As an injured worker, you have an obligation to report the injury or illness to your employer. It is important to provide as much detail as possible including the date, time, details of the injury and a description of how the injury occurred. If possible, keep a copy of your incident form for your own records. If the injury is due to the nature and conditions of your work over a period of time (i.e. repetitive use) this should be included in any report of injury.

2. Choose your own Doctor

As an injured worker, you have the right to choose your treating doctor. You may think you are obligated to see the doctor who is recommended to you by your employer. This is often referred to as the ‘company doctor’. Be aware that you can choose whichever doctor you feel most comfortable with including your regular family GP. It is also important to note that if you have been seeing the company doctor, you can change doctors at any time. 

3. Case Conference

A ‘case conference’ is an appointment that is arranged between yourself, your doctor and a representative from the employer, the insurer or a rehabilitation provider – or a combination of these people.  The purpose of a case conference is so the parties can understand your injuries and assist with your return to work. A conference should not be a means for any person to put pressure on your doctor to change your restrictions or hours of work contained on your medical certificate. You have the right to discuss these matters with your doctor in private prior to the commencement of the case conference.

If you have sustained a work injury and need advice, please reach out to our experienced team at no cost to you, and no obligation. We are here to help.


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