Legal issues and personal injuries law
Our insights
What is contemporaneous evidence and how can it is assist in a compensation claim?
Contemporaneous evidence refers to evidence that is created, recorded or document at or around the same time as an event and can be very helpful in personal injury claims.
KEY FACTS: A coal miner’s entitlement to weekly benefits of compensation.
An injured coal miner in New South Wales has different and distinct rights and entitlements. There are key facts that injured workers should know.
The difference between a Statement, a Statutory Declaration and an Affidavit
There are different ways to produce evidence in a compensation claim and this article discusses three options regularly used to provide a client’s evidence.
What does Maximum Medical Improvement mean?
Maximum Medical Improvement (“MMI”) is a term commonly used in the context of workers' compensation and personal injury cases. In this blog post, we discuss several points relating to the determination of MMI.
How does a compensation payment impact on Centrelink entitlements?
If you have a compensation claim and have been receiving Centrelink payments, there are some key things you must know.
Increase in the Jurisdictional Limit of the District Court of New South Wales
The jurisdictional limit of the District Court has been increased and this article discusses the key points to keep in mind.
What is “surveillance” in a personal injury claim?
Insurers and defendants can reply upon surveillance footage in personal injury claims. Whilst that can seem daunting, in this article we discuss key points on the topic.
A Solicitor or a Barrister? What is the difference?
The terms ‘barrister’ and solicitor’ can be confusing. We explain the key differences between the two and how they both work together in a compensation claim.
What is the difference between an Informal Settlement Conference and a Mediation?
Alternative Dispute Resolution ('“ADR”) is encouraged by the Courts and provides a way in which parties can resolve a dispute. This article discusses the different approaches to ADR.
Who can make a CTP claim in New South Wales?
In this article, we provide detailed information as exactly who can make a CTP claim following a motor vehicle accident in New South Wales.
PFAS Chemicals and Coal Mine Workers
An interesting article relating to amendments that will impact upon mine workers who have participated in firefighting activities to gain easy access to compensation for cancers known to be connected to exposure to the firefighting foam.